What is Energy Healing?
Our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and experiences, not to mention the stress of relationships, finances and work, create clouds within us that can obscure our brilliance, all contributing to ill-health. Ignite Your Spirit (IYS) Therapy is a healing modality created by Shakti Durga. It works through the etheric body to connect with the soul and uplift the mental, emotional, and physical dimensions of our being.
How does Energy Healing Work?
Even long-term problems and traumas can be diminished or alleviated by the removal of stale, old energy that acts like congestion in our physical, mental and energetic subtle bodies. With IYS healings, you clear away the clouds that are blocking your shine, allowing your inner lustre, spark and joy to radiate from within.
IYS is a deep, spiritual form of healing with shamanic elements which connect us to the world around us in sacred ways. It connects us with the Infinite in the flavour that feels most authentic to each person. Participants commonly feel a sense of bliss and even one session can be life changing.

Benefits of Energy Healing
Removing stale, old energy held within our physical, mental and energetic subtle bodies can create a sense of freedom that can benefit your whole life, including…
- Gains in energy and vitality
- A sense of peace, inner happiness and love
- A sense of freedom and lightness
- Spiritual activation and awakening
- Better loving relationships
- Improved physical health and wellbeing
- Opening to greater attainment, achievement and abundance
What to expect during Ignite Your Spirit or Lift Energy Healing?
After a brief discussion, you sit in a relaxed state to have your energy scanned. The healing process assists to release any negative energies that have been perceived - including old patterns of thought and emotion - and to renew and enliven your spirit in the direction of the goals you have brought to work on.
This is a non-touch energy healing modality to cleanse the energy body. These sessions can focus on any specific area of your life, or you can just come in and receive a general rebalancing of the emotional, mental and energetic bodies.
You may feel tingles as energy moves in your body. You may also experience a sense of lightness or even bliss as the session develops. In some cases, not much is felt during the session, but afterwards you may notice your world has changed, that it’s filled with ease and grace, that your meditation is deeper and you feel more like your true self. Depending upon the situation, a range of educative and healing options will be presented to the client for use in their lives. All sessions are non-touch and last around 30 minutes.
What can Energy Healing Treat?
Energy healing affects us at the level of the life force, hence it is relevant to any physical, mental or emotional condition. It is helpful in recovery from pain, illness, acute injury; in preparation for and recovery from surgery; in alleviating old stressors and to release feelings of stuckness; in helping during pregnancy; in alleviating stuckness, feelings of being weighed down, anxiety and a range of other things.
We have also pioneered the use of energy healing to assist with relationship issues, solving issues of heart and mind that may have been lingering and undermining happiness and wellbeing for years if not decades.

How to Prepare for Healing
Simply decide that you wish to receive healing. Be open in the mind and have an open body posture. We recommend that you sit with your hands face upwards, and the energy healer will ‘read’ your energy field and discuss with you the areas in which you are seeking deeper understanding and relief.
Ignite Your Spirit - Energy Healing
Ignite Your Spirit is a no touch healing modality that arises from the calling of the soul to bring new insights, break through limitations, and to find a new more radiant balance after awakening experiences. It deals with the non-physical aspects of life in a highly mystical and shamanic, experiential way. It is a spiritual journey that does not require any substance to be ingested, but opens the inner eye to the power of Divine love. It awakens us to the core of who we be.
Some people have IYS therapy because they want to awaken spirtiually and they seek guidance on their spirtiual path. The practitioner tunes into the spirit and soul, incorporating things such as past lives, spirit attachments, the soul’s guidance, and opens us to the Angelic world. IYS practice is highly respectful of the beliefs and spiritual path of the diverse people who seek this therapy. It is powerful and life changing, uplifting and awakening, involving transmissions of spiritual energy that help participants break free of limitations and come into their centre.
One-on-One IYS sessions (online or in person) reveal your radiant essence, dispersing the clouds to set us free to be who we really are. Sometimes our energy field is congested and a simple cleaning out works wonders. Sometimes we need to clear our relationships with people, the past, our fears, or to root out the black, energetically grinding presence of depression. At other times it is about awakening to more of the presence of your own higher soul, or for those with a faith tradition, merging into the higher truths and the energy of great Masters, Divine presence and boundless love and bliss.
Lift Your Life Sessions
Lift your Life is a form of meditative energy healing that has a focus upon helping with depression, stress, anxiety, burn out, relationship issues. It is used in corporate as well as private settings and uses terminology and concepts that are evidence based. It is suitable for seeking a grounded, more psychological construct in which to experience healing. It has been designed by Shakti Durga, New York psychiatrist Kathy Perrego, MD and transpersonal psychologist Gayatri Anderson. It is offered through our website www.thewbi.org where you can book in for one or a series of sessions.

Healing Clinic - In person
We provide bi-weekly Healing Clinics at our Harmony Centre in Cooranbong after Sunday Satsang.
Allow our student healing therapists to provide you with relief, support and guidance in these short 30-minute sessions.
Details of in-person Healing Clinic HERE.
Healing Clinic - Online
We also have online healing clinics Tuesday evenings at 6 pm (Sydney) and Thursday mornings at 9 am (Sydney), where people can experience Ignite Your Spirit therapy with a group of student healers guided by an experienced therapist. If you are interested in attending, please fill out our Wellness Form. You will be emailed by one of our energy healers shortly thereafter to book you in. If you have questions about the online healing clinics, please email clinic@thewbi.org.
If you require more assistance, we can refer you to a qualified practitioner or you can apply to The Well Being Initiative for discounted sessions.
Should you wish to book a healing session with Shakti Durga, you can do so HERE
"From the first healing, my emotional state changed for the better and the pain left my hips and legs. I decided to continue with regular healings to maintain this level of joy, peace and comfort in my body"
"Ten weeks ago I was mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually sick. Thinking back to where I was...and where I am now is like night and day, I cannot believe how far I have come in such a short period of time! These Lift Your Life sessions have been literally life-saving and life-giving to me."
"The five sessions I had with my practitioner were fantastic. I felt extremely comfortable and I found it easy to trust my practitioner who I found to be very professional and accessible throughout the sessions, especially when I had questions."