The Harmony Centre is for life enrichment, and to help people to live with more ease and grace.
We exist to share practices and teachings which will enrich our human spirit and our connections to each other, to nature, to the Divine, to our families and friends and to life in general. We provide a space for those on a spiritual path or a path of healing, who are looking for ways to make friends or enrich existing relationships. We are here to learn and grow, helping each other to be inspired, authentic and loving in all facets of life. We honour the land, the Divine by all the Holy names and styles and we seek the deeper meaning of existence, as well as the hidden wisdom to be found through adversity. We welcome anyone with a heart!
About the Centre
The Harmony Centre is located on land nestled in the Olney state forest in the Watagan Mountains in the beautiful Martinsville Valley. The land has been lovingly cared for by a team of volunteers and is haven of gardens, natural bushland and quiet spaces for contemplation. The land is also abundant with wildlife. The original home has been converted into a meeting space with lovely outdoor sitting areas as well as a kitchen and common room, and incredible views over a serene rural paradise. Parking is available on the property which has been constructed to have minimal impact on the land.
The Centre is home to The Angel Temple, where regular prayer and meditation sessions as well as ceremonies are held to the delight of participants. There is also a Vedic prayer and meditation space. All are welcome, and the best time to come is Sunday around 10 am for our weekly community Satsang which takes place at 10:30 am.

History of the Centre
The founder Shakti Durga, formally known as Kim, purchased the land in 1999 and her partner Hugh became a half owner in the early 2000’s. In 2022 Hugh donated his half of the centre to The Well Being Initiative charity, which aims to provide pathways for wellbeing, to lift your life and thrive. The Harmony Centre has been a much-loved hub for people from the local area as well as those further afield for over 20 years. We continue to offer a raft of personal and spiritual development courses, gatherings, connection through food, gardening, meditating, energy healing and more.
Our Vision
Our vision is that we can solve problems when we ascend to a higher level of consciousness so that we can consider solutions through a fresh lens and find new and effective approaches to situations where we may have experienced pain and heartache in the past.
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring peace and love, through alleviation of pain and suffering using energy healing, meditation, friendship and support. We promote mantra, prayer circle and sacred music as ways to awaken to the spirit and soul, and to share tools through which people can face challenges with a renewed sense of hope.
Our Values
Our values are that we strive to be love on legs, to lend a hand, to be inclusive, be purposeful yet spacious, kind to self and others, be helpful and considerate, thoughtful, committed to finding the light in the darkness and utilise all that life brings us to evolve and grow. From all of this, harmony, enrichment of the soul and inner peace naturally arise.
Charity Organisation
The Well Being Initiative was established to help lift human consciousness, to support people in leading happier, more fulfilling and healthier lives.
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